Saturday, July 7, 2012

Event: Presto Pasta Nights # 272

This week, I have the honor of hosting Presto Pasta Night, edition #272

Week after week, Presto Pasta Nights captures pasta dishes by food bloggers around the world.

Please mail your enteries for the week to me :)) . The rules to participate are detailed on this page.

Entries for this week's edition of PPN must be posted between July 7 to July 12. Please include a link to Presto Pasta Nights and to Culinary Vibes. You could use the logo as well.

Mail your recipes at & cc to ... along with the following info:

•Your Name
•Your Blog Name/URL
•Your Post URL
•Attach a photo

Incase you do not get my response on your mail... please resend.. as I shall be acknowledging every entry...

1 comment:

  1. Wow an interesting event!! Would love to participate :) and glad to follow you !!
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